Discharge Prediction!!!
As of this morning, Truman is set to come home on Tuesday or Wednesday!!!!! All he has to do now is eat all by himself for 48 hours and gain weight over the same course of time. He probably still has a little bit of extra fluid from surgery to lose (he was 4lbs, 9.8 ounces the day before surgery) and then we just need him to gain weight, no particular amount, just two days in a row of gain. We will be rooming in with him on Monday or Tuesday night. Tuesday would have been his due date. He will be 17 weeks old chronologically with an adjusted age of newborn or 1 day.
He is still doing well off of his canula and continuing to eat well all by bottle or breast and is taking between 1.2 and 1.3 ounces per each bottle feed. Although NICU has his on a 3-hour feeding schedule, he would prefer a 2.5-hour schedule, so between nursing and pumping to keep up supply (my body thinks I have a four-month old with a much bigger appetite), that's going to be very grueling, but we are looking forward to it. He still gags a little with the bottle unless we have a very-slow flow nipple, so we'll be experimenting to find some commercially available options that he likes.
This morning was the first time I have seen him without anything on his face -- no feeding tube, no canula, no sticky tabs for breathing equipment -- just his sweet face. It is beautiful!
He passed his car seat test and hearing screen this morning. All babies who have had any type of breathing support have to spend an hour strapped into their car seats without desatting before they can go home in them. He also had an MRI so that we can have a better baseline and understanding of what is going on with his brain bleed and potential future development issues related to that as we go forward. All that's left is an RSV shot and our CPR and discharge classes. He's moving back to South Hall (feeder grower) from Level III this afternoon.

--Kara & Ben