Teeny Tiny Truman

This page is all about Truman, born Aug. 8, 2006 to Kara and Ben.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Time for Toys


Truman is struggling a bit on the all breast and bottle feeds. At his 8 p.m. feeding yesterday, we spent about 15 minutes (unsuccessfully) trying to get him to wake up enough to nurse. After about 15 minutes of sleepy nursing, Mom offered a half bottle, and Truman proceeded to have two big Desat/Brady spells during the bottle portion. He required the oxygen mask to recover. We didn't even attempt to finish the whole half bottle. When Dad fed him at 11 p.m., Truman didn't have any trouble with desats or Bradys, but let half of the milk flow down his chin. Apparently, the 2 a.m. feeding wasn't much better, so the 5 a.m. feeding was gavaged. However, he nursed like a champ for half an hour at 8 a.m. and took his entire bottle in 15 minutes from the occupational therapists at 11 a.m. I talked to Nurse Mary this morning, and she suggested we give him another day and watch his weight (he only gained 3 grams yesterday) to assess whether he is using too much energy for feeding and needs to go back to the two out of three nipple feeds. She also thought Mom and Dad may need a little practice on bottle feeding Truman. We would hate to slow down his growth at this crucial point.

Nurse Mary thinks Truman needs more stimulation because he has such long alert periods now. So, she asked us to bring up his bouncy seat tonight and his mirror toy for his crib. He was staring at a picture of Mom and Dad taped to the side of his bed during this conversation. He also really loves staring at the lights on the ceiling of his room.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone no matter their age or their size needs a little play time- especially someone like Truman who has been working so hard :) Take Care- happy thoughts to you all, and of course- Grow, Truman, Grow!

2:55 PM  
Blogger Maggie (Sarah's mom) said...

Sarah had a setback when they started trying to nipple her each feeding. She didn't eat much and she had some bad A&B episodes. I remember when they went back and limited her to 3 feeds via bottle/breast a day. I was SO upset. The nurses kept telling me that she just needed to recuperate. They were right. After a few days getting gavaged all but 3 times a day, she started to increase her feeds via bottle/breast. In another week, she was not being gavaged at all.

Sending hugs and recuperate vibes to Truman!

Maggie (IV Preemis)

5:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are doing so well, truman! hang in there and keep growing. thanks to mom and dad who keep posting such adorable pics of you to keep us dec EC gals entertained (the one of truman losing his stem still cracks me up each time i see it).

heather, dec 06 EC

8:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am ready for an update on Truman. I check in often to see how he is doing and to look at the pictures. What a blessing this child is.

11:31 AM  

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