Teeny Tiny Truman

This page is all about Truman, born Aug. 8, 2006 to Kara and Ben.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Finally Extubated and Eating


After five post-op days on the ventilator, Truman was finally extubated. Although he was "a little puny" (meaning that he didn't want to work at doing his own breathing) at first, he was put on a high-flow canula and now seems to be doing well. This was a frustrating time because we'd been told to expect him off of the ventilator after 2 or 3 days. The reason he stayed on longer was because of his pain medication; so long as he was receiving it he couldn't be taken off of the ventilator because of the risk that he would not breathe on his own.

Despite having not eaten anything since the morning of Tuesday, November 21st, Truman has gained 14 ounces of weight. Virtually all of this new weight is fluid retention resulting from his surgery and pain medication, which means that Truman is swelled up like a little balloon right now. He has been urinating well, but he hasn't been able to pass everything he needs to yet. Hopefully Truman will lose most of this extra fluid over the next few days and we'll be able to start getting real measures of his weight gain again.

The surgical wound itself is healing very well. It's not pretty to look at, but we're confident that in a couple of years it will be barely noticeable, especially if he heals up like he did after his heart surgery many weeks ago. That scar is now so well healed that it can be hard to see it even when looking for it.

We were also able to begin holding him again, which was much needed for Mom and Dad's psyche. As of this morning, he's back in a newborn bassinet and wearing clothes again.

Yesterday, Truman started having bowel movements and this morning was finally given the go-ahead to eat. His first food after six days without eating was a breastfeeding session with Mom. He did great and was given permission to breastfeed as I often as I can make it over today. So far, that's been twice, and he did great both times.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ben, Kara, and Truman,
Truman, we are so excited to read that you are doing well and recovering from your surgery. Before you know it you will be at home in your own crib! I can imagine this has been a rough week for all three of you, but like you said before you can now see the light at the end of the tunnel! Truman you keep getting strong. Sending our love,
Jason and Cinda

12:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is amazing news, WTG Truman, onwards, upwards and home for Christmas or New Year? Keep it going little guy, feed and grow and soon be home!


12:15 PM  
Blogger Maggie (Sarah's mom) said...

PROGRESS!!! Woo hoo! That is great news!

Keep up the incredible job you are doing Truman!

Maggie (IV Preemies)

12:19 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I am so happy to hear that Truman is off the vent and eating again. What a big boy! It took Eli 3-weeks to recover from his bowel reconnection and come home. I check Trumans blog every morning and pray for your family. I can't wait to see that post that your precious little miracle is coming home.

1:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful news! I have been so worried. Keep up the good work Truman! (((HUGS)))

1:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love to read your blog, orignally started reading it from babycenter but now I am hooked on it. I get so worried if a few days pass and you havent posted..lol..I have been stressing the last few days wondering how he was doing. I am 35 weeks pregnant and your son is a true inspiration and a beautiful miracle. You are truly blessed and wish you all a long and happy life with your beautiful son!! We would love to see some more pictures when you can!

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats great news!!! i'm sure he'll be home for Christmas!! what a blessing and terrific holiday that would be!

3:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome news! Thanks for keeping all of us informed. Still in my thoughts and prayers!

6:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful news! Keep going Truman, we just know you are so close to posting "He's home" :-)

Jack and his mom and dad.

2:52 AM  
Blogger FFF said...

way to go Truman! Kara, I'm so glad you are getting a chance to get over there for some BFing sessions. Excellent news!

3:28 PM  

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