Teeny Tiny Truman

This page is all about Truman, born Aug. 8, 2006 to Kara and Ben.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Changing of the Parental Guard


As of today, I return to work, and Ben becomes a stay-at-home dad. Ben finished work a week ago, so we've spent the last week at home together transitioning from a somewhat day-time nursing schedule to an evening and early morning nursing schedule and adjusting my pumping schedule to accommodate the change. I will work about half days for the next two weeks before returning full time at the beginning of March.

Although I've confirmed over the past 11 weeks that I would not be very good at being a stay-at-home mom indefinitely, it's still sad for our special one-on-one Mom and Truman time to be coming to an end.

Truman has become a much easier baby over the last couple of weeks or so, primarily he has gotten easier to get to sleep and has started wanting several short periods of playtime on his play mat or in his cradle every day, giving Mom and Dad's arms a much-needed break. He has also really picked up the pace in "talking" and smiling while playing. He has learned how to actually hit the toys he swings at on his play mat, and we have discovered that he is ticklish.

Truman has started eating greater volumes (3+ ounces at a time) and is therefore taking longer breaks between meals. He still, however, screams at many of his bottles and still struggles with bottle feeding. We have our assessment at the feeding clinic on Friday to try to work on that before he loses his sucking reflex and greater problems begin.



Blogger Mamã da Bruna e do Rafael said...

Truman is doing great:)
Its is not easy to stay away from our babies is it?
I am sure your hsuband will take care of everything just fine :)

7:41 PM  
Blogger Lisa Carey said...


I must say you are amazing. I was in the iVillage board with you and we shared a due date (12/6). I had complications but nothing like you. My son was born 5 weeks early and that was hard. I can't imagine how strong you are to have come this far. Congrats!

Lisa Carey

1:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kara
IsBen maybe slightly tongue-tied? I ask because my sister's baby had a similar problem, and would only take a bottle much later. She also found the NUK teats to be the easiest for him to take.
Good Luck
Margaret(I used to live in Dallas, but am now back in South Africa, with a 3 month old, who was also prem)

1:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best of luck as you re-enter the work force. It is hard to be away after having that time together at home, but the reunions at the end of the day are wonderful! We think of you often and look forward to Truman's "coming out" at church once you are out of isolation!

Christa and Brad Dardaganian

9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've followed Trumans story from the beging up till Thanksgiving when I went on leave. My son's due date was 12-15-06, near Trumans. Baby Shane was born 12-12-06 at his own will. Yesterday was my first day back to work also, and today I've read all your post since leaving at Thanksgiving. I'm so glad to hear he is home at last and doing great. I didn't think I'd actually cry returning to work, but I did. It so hard being away from them. I leave at 6am and return at 6pm, which don't give us much time together. Hopefully it will get easier. Take care, all of you. Salina (Killeen/FortHood/Austin Texas)

1:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to do my usual by-weekly check in! I've been following your story since the begining and I am just so excited for you all and for everything that Truman has overcome! Going back to work is hard but atleast he is in the best possible hands!

2:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah Truman! Hopefully Ben is getting some naps in and Truman is doing okay with the bottles while Mom is at work. It must be very difficult to change places, but it is wonderful that you both can spend some one on one time with him while he is little. Keeping you all in my thoughts.

10:52 PM  

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