Teeny Tiny Truman

This page is all about Truman, born Aug. 8, 2006 to Kara and Ben.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Update: January 3, 2007


Truman's diaper rash finally appears to be getting better. Perhaps the paste we mixed of Calmoseptine (calomine and zinc oxide) and stoma adhesive powder created enough of a waterproof barrier to do the trick or it could be the blowdrying of his little bum after all diaper cleanings. Blowdryers aren't usually a changing table accessory, but it seems to work, and he seems to really like it.

He had another appointment with the pediatric opthamologist on Monday. He eyes still appear to be progressing even though the Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) is still present at this point. There is a ridge on his left eye where the vessels will have trouble growing past, but the opthamologist thinks that his vessels will ultimately grow past the ridge and that he will likely have normal vision. ROP is something almost all preemies, particularly micropreemies, suffer from because the retina does not develop until later in gestation. Basically, the blood vessels of the eye grow out from the center and must reach the edges of the eye to ensure full peripheral vision. It just takes longer for a preemie because the vessels do not grow well exposed to light, oxygen, and other external factors. Truman goes back in a month for another exam.

On the feeding front, it turns out that the special formula that was prescribed is available only to hospitals as of this past October. Even the pediatric clinic can't order it other than as samples. So, Truman's nutritionist team (he has three nutritionists) has recommended adding Human Milk Fortifier to his breast milk bottles. So, it turns out that he will be exclusively on breastmilk after all. We are just going a different route to beef it up to make sure it has all the ingredients he needs.

In addition to rolling over, Truman has started actually hitting some of the things he swings at on his playmat. His case worker from Early Childhood Intervention is making her first visit on Friday. Once that evaluation process begins, we will have a better idea of where Truman is developmentally and where he will need additional help.



Blogger Susannah's Mom said...

Wow, rolling over and batting at things! You know, those are typical skills for a 4-month-old who is full-term. Sounds to me like Truman is developing beautifully! =)

12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is excellent news on the skils, you know, my girls, who were all overdue didn't roll over until almost 6 months so he's ahead of them!! :)

I was also going to suggest something to you regarding Truman's diaper rash. I was actually told be a friend of mine with 6 children, that sometimes, using baby wipes at every change, even when the nappy is just wet can cause diaper rash or make an existing one worse.

If my youngest (11 months) is wet I just dry her off with toilet paper/tissue, and only use wipes with dirty nappies. She is even in cloth nappies and has only ever had a maximum of a 12 hour diaper rash and she's been in cloth since she was 3 months old!

Hugs to both of you, you probably have no idea who I am but a friend of mine was on Truman's EC board and I've been following his story!

Stacy (England)

7:04 AM  
Blogger scait said...

Congrats on being able to work with the breastmilk Truman; that's great! And I bet the Early Childhood Inteventionist is as impressed with you as the rest of us!! Keep growing and enjoy being a baby. It won't be long know before you're running around, terrorizing your kitty!

Best wishes,

Cait and Sev

3:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great news, he sounds like he is doing very well. I am so happy that things are going so well!

Shawnee (baby center)

12:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome update. Thanks for keeping us informed. Emily and I still pray for Truman on the way to school every morning. Have a great January with your little one.

2:44 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Glad to hear Truman's backside has gotten better. It is such a vicious cycle, I hope w/ using the HMF that the rash never returns. It sounds like Truman is doing fantastic developmentally. Keep up the good work :)

4:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like things are going well!!!! I hope he is sleeping better for you too. My first born was all switched around with his nights and days for a bit too. He seems to be doing really wonderful!

7:57 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

Delurking to add another thought about the diaper rash: one thing the medical assistant at our ped's office suggested is putting our son in pants with elastic waist and ankles with no diaper. That way, his tushie is getting air circulated around it, but if he blows, it is contained in the pants. And, if he blows, you just strip them in the tub and wash.

Truman looks great, by the way. Congratulations on his homecoming!

10:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah for you! HMF is awesome stuff- I am so glad that you get to go with your plan of breast/bottle feeding with just breast milk. Glad you found another use for a hairdryer- I remember using it my munchkins when they had diaper rashes- it works wonders!
The pictures from Christmas are great- he is getting such great little cheeks- so happy to hear that things are progressing nicely and adjusting to home life as it should be.
Take Care- think of you all often!

10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Truman, Go Truman, your the baby!
It's so wonderful to hear your doing so well Truman. I'm not surprised your doing so amazing. You've been fighting hard through this whole thing. When I'm older and I settle down and get ready to start having kids of my own I'll just remember you and then hopefully any worries I have will go away. Have the most wonderful time at home.

P.S. This is to Kara and Ben, when Truman gets to were he's chasing the cat all I can say is good luck to the cat. My cousins did that to their cat all Thanksgiving and Christmas. By the time they were done with the poor cat I thought he was going to pass out.

With lots of love and prayers,
Kayla Townsend

5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a blessing for him to be home so soon! Congradulations!! I hope you guys enjoy your little guy, but I am sure you already are. He is a cutie!!

8:25 PM  

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